Life Coaching to help you live the life you want.

Health | Mindset | Confidence | Wellbeing

Welcome to Carrie Emily Coaching

Mind | Body | Balance

As a mum of two small children, a teacher, business owner, Chartered Psychologist and certified Life Coach I recognise and understand the challenges that many women face when it comes to their mental and physical wellbeing.

My coaching philosophy focuses on empowering my clients with the knowledge, tools and resources to make realistic and sustainable changes so that they can enjoy a fulfilling, balanced and healthy life.

I combine my expertise in Psychology and NLP with specialised coaching techniques to help my clients cultivate better habits and gain greater self-awareness whilst also developing their mindset and confidence.

Reclaim Your Life with Tailored Life and Wellbeing Coaching

In today’s fast-paced world, it's easy to put yourself last. We often neglect our own needs, waiting until we’re at breaking point to take action. For many women, this is a common reality. Society often pressures women to meet everyone else’s needs first, while also juggling careers, family duties, and maintaining the "perfect" image. If you struggle to cope, the message seems to be: you’re just not good enough.

Is it any wonder that so many women come to me feeling burnt out, lost, and lacking confidence? They know they need change but feel overwhelmed by the prospect. The thought of tackling it all feels like too much.

But change is possible—and it starts with you.

Why Coaching Works

Change takes courage, and it’s not easy. It requires a shift in mindset, beliefs, and habits. As the saying goes, "Nothing changes if nothing changes." For coaching to be successful, you must start prioritising your needs and listening to your true desires. This might feel uncomfortable at first, as it often means challenging long-held beliefs and habits. You may even face resistance from those around you.

That’s where I come in.

As a Life and Wellbeing Coach, I have the psychological training, experience, and compassion to guide you through these changes. Together, we’ll take a gentle, gradual approach to transformation, allowing you to show up for yourself—and for others—in a positive, nurturing way.

How We’ll Work Together

Life and Wellbeing Coaching is about setting realistic targets and creating a sustainable system to achieve your goals. I’ll support you as you move from where you are now to where you want to be. Along our journey, I’ll provide you with practical tools and techniques to overcome any barriers or setbacks. By the end of our time together, you’ll have a new level of self-awareness, compassion, and confidence, allowing you to continue your journey independently with a stronger sense of self-belief.

Areas of Focus

I’ve helped clients with a range of issues, including:

  • Building confidence and living authentically

  • Increasing self-awareness to understand and change negative habits

  • Creating enjoyable and sustainable movement routines

  • Weight loss and improving nutrition for more energy and vitality

  • Boosting self-worth and self-esteem

  • Finding balance between work and family life

  • Reducing stress and reversing burnout

  • Enhancing sleep routines

  • Developing strategies for better organisation and prioritisation

  • Letting go of guilt and shame around self-care.

Life Transformation

Life Coaching is a truly transformative process designed to guide individuals towards the life they truly envision for themselves. One in which they feel balanced, happy and optimistic. My approach focuses on empowering clients to achieve their personal and/or health-related goals by fostering a deeper understanding of their themselves, their aspirations, and what is holding them back.

Through collaborative sessions, I provide insights, actionable strategies, and unwavering support to help you navigate life's challenges, cultivate resilience, and create positive habits so you can enjoy a life of greater happiness and health.

Whether you're seeking to lose weight, improve fitness, manage stress, improve relationships, or optimise your overall health and wellbeing, my coaching programmes are individually tailored to help you achieve your goals and inspire positive change. Find out more by clicking the link below.

I will be your guide, your support and of course, your biggest cheerleader!

A bit about me…

It has taken me a long time to get to where I am now. My entrance into psychology, health and wellbeing began when I was in my teens when I studied Psychology, Biology and Physical Education at A level. However it was not until I choose to study Psychology at university that my path really started to take shape. With over 24 years of academic study and professional experience, I now have a comprehensive understanding of how the human mind and body function to determine our overall sense of wellness and I use this to facilitate transformational personal growth and development in others.

I made the transition into coaching after going through a low period with my own mental health. I found myself in a state of chronic stress, I was burnt-out and had a deep ‘knowing’ that I was not living in alignment with my values and beliefs. I knew I had to make a change and so I did. I re-trained as a Health and Life coach and stepped away from teaching. In addition to being a qualified coach, accredited with the International and UK Health Coaching association, I am also a certified NLP practitioner and a recognised Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society.

Over the last few years as a Life Coach I have enjoyed the privilege of working with countless individuals who, like many of us, have simply lost their way and feel stuck. They recognised the need to change and made the brave decision to seek support and consequently change their life for the better.

If you are feeling like you are stuck, with no time for yourself, like there are not enough hours in the day and all you want is just to feel healthier, more balanced, energised and in control, then I can help you. You can choose to create the life you truly want. You simply have to start by choosing you!

I know that change is possible - I could have chosen to stay on the path I was on, one of limitation and self-doubt, but I chose ‘me’ instead and I am now living a life that fulfils me, that feels balanced and and which I direct and feel in control of. I have grown in confidence, self-awareness and empathy and now I strive to now help others do the same.

Contact me today to find out how my programmes can give you the life, health and happiness you deserve.

Client Testimonial

Carrie possesses a remarkable ability to guide and inspire individuals on their journey towards self-discovery and achievement. Through our coaching sessions, I have experienced transformative shifts in my perspective, behaviour, and overall quality of life. She has consistently demonstrated deep empathy, understanding, and an unwavering commitment to my success.

Moreover, Carrie is incredibly reliable and professional, consistently providing valuable resources, timely feedback, and unwavering support. Her dedication to my success has been nothing short of extraordinary.

— Client FS (6 week personalised programme)

Programmes to Change Your Life

Get in touch.

Follow me @carrieemilycoaching